Monday, October 3, 2011

Energy Medicine 101: Learning the Five Categories of Energetic Weaknesses

What are Energetic Weaknesses? It is characterized by loss of vitality, these are also physiological or psychological insufficiency which may cause a person to be less empowered.
There are five categories of Energetic Weaknesses

This type of energetic weakness refers to your emotions. Emotions can either be positive or negative can have an effect that will reside in your energetic system. You may want to delete the effects of that.

Sample Exercises:

Now think about an emotional experience recently that made you feel irritated or sad and notice the presence of energy inside you. It could be in your neck, chest, stomach or even your legs.

Can you feel it? Which part of the body do you feel it?

What you are going to do next is to delete the effects of that and then shift your intention to the midline and the speed of it is like a flash. Then literally, turn it on and off.

Is there a difference with the way you feel right now?

Mental is anything that mentally stresses you as an individual – it may be about finances, relationships, health, or aging. It can be any subject that you overly worried about. These can energetically weaken you.

Sample Exercises:

What you will do for this exercise is pick an experience where you feel you are overly thinking about lately.

Where do you feel it?

Now focus on that thought and delete the effects of the experience and all related experiences. Then, go to the midline. Can you still feel it? Is there a difference?


The psychological category deals more with phobias or irrational fear and the response of people to it. When you neglect this type of weakness, soon enough it will cause a pain in the body.

Sample Exercises:
Think of a situation that could trigger any strong reaction from you, start deleting the effects of that experience. Delete it down to zero minus infinity and now, think about the experience and think how does it trigger – how does it feel?


Psychic-Empathy is when you are taking on another person’s psychic energy and weaken on them. Some people become sick because they don’t know how to clear this out from their system. When you try to relate hard on your friends or family – you can actually manifest the same illness on yourself.

Sample Exercises:
Now, think of an experience where you try to empathize to somebody and felt the effects? Then think about that connected energy. Where do you feel the energy?

Or when you are not empathetic, where do you feel it?

Make a correction to strengthen yourself of not being empathetic or having the choice to be ok to do that. Strengthen yourself for not taking the responsibility and if you do, it should be your choice.  

How do you feel when you choose not to feel empathetic?

This energetic weakness is obvious to religious people. The attitude of being spiritual may cause a person to feel weak. The spiritual category can encompass any category that makes as to how you look at the relationship with the universe. If you are the kind of person who thinks that making bad things, no matter how small, may have you punished or you will have a creepy life because of karma, this will fall in this kind of category.

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