Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Energy Healing from Miles Away

At first, I thought Distant Healing is next to the impossible. After all, if doctors who can see you face to face sometimes makes mistake - what more to the person who is an ocean away from you? Are you as just as skeptical as me? Well, I couldn't blame you either.

But something happened recently when a friend of mine forced me to attend a tele-class with Mr. Paul Wong. According to my friend, Paul was practicing Chinese Energetics and it worked on her shoulder pain. My friend was living in Davao and the practitioner was in the US. How did it happen? Well, after weeks of refusal, I finally gave up and tried it out.

I was really the type of person who doesn't believe in things that is beyond rationalization. But when he worked on my back pain - the one that I have been suffering for ages - via Internet - I was like - Wow?! Did it really happen? I didn't have to take any pain-relievers, I was just sitting in front of the computer and felt the pain in my back disappear rapidly. That was the time I realized, and finally proved that distant healing is really possible. Why is it so?

Distance healing is basically directing a specific energy to a person who is not in the same location as you are. It is the connection between all things and being that makes distance healing possible. How an energy worker direct the energy will depend on the techniques you used. Regardless of the technique, may it be EFT or Yuen Method or a prayer; you are still sending healing energy to help the client you are working on. Improvement can either be fast or may take time, depending on the response of the individual to distance healing.

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